
Edina High School Senior Photos | Sarah

I'm Mycah!

I have been a photographer since 2010 and the owner of Mycah Bain Photography. When I'm not taking photos, I love traveling the world, designing and decorating my home, living the auntie life, running, yoga, reading, kombucha, trying new delicious foods, and happy hour with my besties.

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Capturing cherished moments of your special day with elegance.

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 Photographing your style and spirit in stunning senior portraits.







Hey there, friends! I’m so thrilled to share with you the highlights of an absolutely enchanting Edina High School senior photos of the radiant Sarah. She’s a senior from Edina High School. Let me take you on a visual journey through her session that was nothing short of magical.

A Timeless Start at Mill City Ruins

Our adventure began at the historic Mill City Ruins, a place where the past and present dance in harmony and where history meets urban charm. Sarah arrived in a chic ensemble that perfectly complemented the urban textures of the ruins. Dressed in a navy blue sleeveless top paired with crisp white jeans and stylish open sandals, she was the epitome of modern elegance. As we explored the area, each photograph captured her confidence and the excitement of her senior year. The contrast of her contemporary outfit against the rustic backdrop created a series of stunning images that I’m sure she’ll treasure forever.

Edina High School Senior Photos of Sarah

A Dreamy Escape in the Forest and Field

Next, we ventured into the lush embrace of a nearby forest and field. Here, Sarah transformed into a vision of summer joy in her bright orange sleeveless dress. The color was a showstopper! It popped brilliantly against the greens and browns of the forest, making each photo a vibrant capture of her youthful and vibrant energy. We laughed, twirled, and captured the carefree spirit of youth against the backdrop of nature’s canvas. The photos from this part of the session are a vivid reminder of the joy and vibrancy of this special time in her life.

Edina High School Senior Photos of Sarah

Sunset Serenity and Floral Elegance

As we ventured into the field, the setting sun created a dreamy atmosphere, perfect for her final outfit—a lovely floral light pink dress. The outfit seemed to be made for sunset photography. The soft hues of her dress have combined with the warm glow of the setting sun. It created a dreamy and ethereal atmosphere so that her beauty and grace shone through in every shot. It perfectly captured the essence of this significant chapter in her life.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, our session drew to a close. But the memories and the stunning photos we captured will last a lifetime. Sarah’s session was a vivid reminder of the joy and beauty that come with stepping into your own story and embracing every moment.

Edina High School Senior Photos at the Forest

Edina High School Senior Photos? I got you!

Excited about creating your senior photo memories? I can’t wait to meet you and bring your vision to life! My team and I are all about crafting sessions that reflect your unique personality and style.

Visit our website at to explore our senior photo collections. Remember, booking for 2025 Seniors opens on March 14, 2024, at 9 AM. Make sure to sign up and stay updated for our upcoming sessions.

To view more of our Senior Photos blogs, click HERE to get redirected to our Senior Blogs category. Let’s make your Senior year unforgettable with photos that you’ll cherish forever. 🌟

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