
Growing your Business through Hiring and Outsourcing w/ Mycah Bain

I'm Mycah!

I have been a photographer since 2010 and the owner of Mycah Bain Photography. When I'm not taking photos, I love traveling the world, designing and decorating my home, living the auntie life, running, yoga, reading, kombucha, trying new delicious foods, and happy hour with my besties.

hey there

Capturing cherished moments of your special day with elegance.

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Insightful perspectives and expert knowledge to drive your business to success.

 Photographing your style and spirit in stunning senior portraits.







In this episode of the Wondrous Crane Podcast, Mycah Bain, a talented photographer, business coach, and entrepreneur shares her journey of starting her photography business over 12 years ago and expanding it to include a team of eight photographers. She specializes in various types of photography, including weddings, senior photos, boudoir shoots, and business branding. Mycah’s work takes her around the world, serving global clients. Additionally, she runs a successful business coaching program, guiding others in building their own businesses. She has also established an Amazon storefront, providing an avenue for passive income and portfolio diversification.

From Solo to Scale: Growing Your Photography Business through Strategic Hiring and Outsourcing

The conversation delves into Mycah’s beginnings in photography during her college years, where she discovered her passion for storytelling through capturing the essence of people and their experiences. She recalls her time in Uganda, forming connections with individuals and documenting their lives through photography. Upon returning to the US, Mycah started assisting at weddings. She then gradually transitioned to second shooting. Finally, she owns her own wedding photography business in Southern California and is now in Minnesota.

She also talks about aspiring photographers to start with whatever camera they have, even a smartphone. Also, practice taking photos of friends, family, and everyday subjects. Further, she reflects on the ever-changing landscape of technology and social media platforms, highlighting the importance of adaptability and staying ahead for long-term sustainability. While word of mouth and personal connections have been her most effective marketing tool, she acknowledges the value of platforms like Instagram and emphasizes the need to genuinely connect with people without expecting immediate bookings or referrals. She also mentions the significance of maintaining an email list for communication purposes. However, she admits to being behind in terms of search engine optimization (SEO) for her website. Nevertheless, she expresses a desire to focus her energy on improving in that area. Despite lacking expertise in SEO, she is impressed with her business’s success and remains open to continuous growth and learning.

photographer capturing wedding ceremony

Insights and Whatnot: Summing it All Up

When asked for advice for those starting their own business, the podcast guest emphasizes the importance of defining personal and financial goals. Finding the right balance between time, energy, and the money being invested is also a must. She encourages individuals to consider their desired level of income. Whether it’s a part-time supplement or a six-figure venture, make sure it aligns their actions accordingly. Implementing systems and processes early on is crucial to save time and focus on the core aspects of the business rather than getting bogged down with administrative tasks. By utilizing the software and programs available, entrepreneurs can streamline operations and dedicate their efforts to their craft and expertise.

Follow Mycah on her Instagram @mycahbainphoto. For inquiries, feel free to browse through all the amazing collections on her website

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