
Visitation School MN | Elsa’s Senior Photos

A photo of a Senior on a wide field
I'm Mycah!

I have been a photographer since 2010 and the owner of Mycah Bain Photography. When I'm not taking photos, I love traveling the world, designing and decorating my home, living the auntie life, running, yoga, reading, kombucha, trying new delicious foods, and happy hour with my besties.

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Capturing cherished moments of your special day with elegance.

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Insightful perspectives and expert knowledge to drive your business to success.

 Photographing your style and spirit in stunning senior portraits.







Welcome, photography enthusiasts! Today, we have a magical tale to share with you featuring the lovely Elsa, a senior from Visitation School, MN. Prepare to be enchanted as we dive into her delightful photoshoot filled with butterflies, floral fashion, and the mesmerizing glow of a sunset. 

Imagine stepping into a whimsical garden, a kaleidoscope of colors, and the gentle flutter of butterflies all around. It was here that we met the beautiful Elsa, radiating grace and elegance in her white floral maxi dress. The delicate flowers on her dress mirrored the blossoms in the garden, creating a harmonious connection between Elsa and nature.

As Elsa twirled and danced, the butterflies seemed to follow her every move. Their vibrant wings matched the joy in her eyes, adding a touch of magic to each photograph. The garden became a playground, and Elsa’s infectious laughter filled the air, making everyone around her smile.

But Elsa’s fashion choices didn’t end with the stunning white floral maxi dress. In another set of photos, she rocked a pair of vibrant pink jeans that brought a playful twist to the scene. Against the backdrop of wildflowers and butterflies, Elsa’s fashion choices reflected her vibrant personality and added an extra pop of color to the photographs.

As the golden hour approached, the sun began to set, casting a warm, ethereal glow over the garden. The light danced through the leaves, creating a breathtaking ambiance. It was as if the whole world was bathed in a soft, magical light, and Elsa embraced every moment.

With the glowy sunset lighting, Elsa’s natural beauty radiated even brighter. Her smile, like the sun itself, lit up each photograph with pure joy. The wildflowers swayed gently in the wind, framing Elsa in a natural, picturesque setting that was as enchanting as she was.

Visitation School Senior Photos?

At our photography business, we understand the importance of capturing your unique essence, style, and connection to the world around you. Each photoshoot is an opportunity to showcase your personality and create memories that will last a lifetime. Our goal is to provide you with an unforgettable experience that reflects your true self.

If you’re a Senior from Visitation School and in search of a senior photographer, look no further! We are here to capture the enchantment of butterflies, the elegance of floral fashion, and the captivating radiance of sunsets. Our goal is to create a unique photo shoot that honors your individuality and tells your personal story. Whether you’re a senior from Visitation School or someone looking for a talented senior photographer, we invite you to join us on this magical journey. Let us freeze these cherished moments, preserving your twirling, fashion choices, and the mesmerizing glow of sunsets for eternity. Together with Elsa, we’ll embark on an enchanting adventure, capturing the inner magic that resides within you and celebrating your remarkable journey in the most extraordinary and captivating way possible.

For inquiries, contact us today, and let’s create something truly unforgettable! Visit our WEBSITE or email us at

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