Parents Share Their Best Tips on How to Prepare

Parent Hacks

"Be ready to LOVE your photos when they show up in your inbox. Mycah catches each kid in their element and I have countless treasured images she’s taken in the most wild of circumstances that I will have and cherish for always."

Erin's Advice

"There will be chaotic moments, there will be tears, there might even be tantrums. Walking into it trusting your photographer is huge. Mycah has been taking our photos every year for 10 years now and even in the most chaotic scenes with our 3 boys, she ALWAYS captures gold! Even more so, she captures the chaos in the best way so we can look back and smile remembering the hard but also the joy in this season of life. Trusting Mycah’s vision and talent has taken all the stress out of our family photos and we walk into a session now just ready to laugh and enjoy each other. It’s truly magical."
"We are not above bribes. Bring those special gummies or favorite little treats. It gets those smiles going every time."
"Have your kids wear comfy clothes and have them wear their clothes beforehand so you can eliminate day-of clothing battles."

Natalie's Advice

"You know all of those sweet perfect family photos that you poured over while planning your family’s outfits, looks, locations? Take a deep breath. Let it go. Because those families? They’re not your family. And after all this planning and coordinating, you don’t want a photographer to capture someone else’s family. You deserve to have this moment of your family captured.

Even if your 6 year old has declared they’re “allergic to smiling” or 2 year old won’t go anywhere without their stuffed stingray that they call “Shark”, trust that these memories are the ones you want to look back on. Because these are the pieces that make your family unequivocally yours."

Hallie's Advice

“Go in with the mindset of what’s most important- let’s capture the love between us, not the straight on smile. That’s just a bonus some years. Those will come with age, but capturing the reality of your season is more priceless and cherished over time. I’ve found over time the less expectations I have going in, the more relaxed I am, the better it goes."

Last shoot I tried noticing the days prior how we play and love our kids in the small moments at home … Winston loves running/hiding/directive games, Lou loves being touched and tickled, Estelle always bats her eyes when we pause to watch her demonstrate her latest ballet rendition. If you enter the time thinking about how you can replicate loving them the way you do at home, it helps authentic smiles run free.”

Kellie's Advice

“Getting that perfect holiday card photo might not be feasible with your kids and how crazy they are. I would say talk about it a lot with your kids, telling them they are going to have to smile … maybe practice with them ahead of time. Bribe them (with a treat or a fun activity). Try to have fun with it and feed your kids before so they aren’t hangry. Trust that they know what they're doing and are still going to get the shot and capture authentic pictures of your family. No need to be stressed… Mycah and her team's got it!”

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